Sunday, 3 April 2011


In a game of Soccer, before the game begins. It is the role of the referee to ensure both sides have 11(eleven) players on each side of the pitch. If he fails to do this before the commencement of the game and later finds out as the game proceeds that one side is fielding  11 players and the other side parades 9 players and then he chooses to stop the game suspecting foul-play; that can be seen as taking the right decision at the wrong time.
In my OPINION, it is a sign of failure to attribute your short-coming to someone else’s ineptitude…that’s exactly what JEGA did yesterday, he claims a vendor is responsible for this lapse. For him to have allowed this to occur shows that he either has inadequate plans to organize an election or his plans were not followed with necessary actions.
As the Chief electoral officer, he ought to know when the So-called vendor delivered the materials into the country; he ought to monitor the distribution of these materials to the states as well. If he had performed those two tasks and found out that there were flaws, then he OUGHT NOT to have blown the whistle for the game (election) to begin…
For him (Jega) to have postponed the election to Monday and fix an INEC meeting was unexpected…a very hasty decision without taking into the consideration those who would be at a loss for closing business tomorrow (President Jonathan says this should be seen as a sacrifice to the nation), the outcome of his meeting with the political parties and the possibility of solving the logistic problem of distributing materials to all polling booths with our jagged transportation system.
A Yoruba adage says you don’t cure headache by cutting off the head, while am not calling for Prof. Jega to be sacked now, I simply think he has not justified his position so far.
All these things are not rocket science!


quam said...

Let's give Jega, benefit of doubt and let us see what happens on Monday, if they mess up on Monday that will be pure incompetence on the part of Jega and Inec.

jaycrown said...

i would have afforded jega the benefit of doubt if he had exhibited some foresight by informing the country before hand of the logistics issues they were having..a first postponement was ridiculing enough, a second one proved how failed of a system we human is perfect but we can learn from systems that have "a failed date " on for more........

VersatileDavid said...

Well Said JayCrown and Quam

Anonymous said...

True talk devo. Keep it up.